Do You Recognize Greatness In Others As They Push You To Greatness?

Chadwick Boseman is back in our consciousness.

Boseman would have had a birthday this past weekend, and a network airing of the movie Black Panther cut a special open to celebrate the day.

But I want to talk about what actor/comedian Lamorne Morris said about the solemn words he spoke that helped him become a better actor.

manuscript, paper

You should take the two minutes to watch the clip on YouTube, but the basic story goes like this:

-Morris was auditioning for a role that Boseman was helping him run lines for
-Morris was joking around, trying to crack his friend up
-Boseman was having none of that, reminding Morris other guys were working ten times harder than he was at that moment to try to land that same spot
-Morris got serious with his work, didn’t get that part, but thinks about the wisdom every time he gets a new script to read.

My question for you today is: do you recognize greatness in people in real-time?

Morris went on to say just how hardworking and dedicated to the craft of acting his friend was and that he hoped that there was something that he did that benefited the work and legacy of Chadwick Boseman. He doubted it, but he did have hope for it.

Are there people around you that make life that much better? Make a workflow move that much smoother? Refuse to let you slack off a project or phone in effort on your dream because they know you regret it later?

Do you know someone like that? Do you want to make the bold claim you are someone like that? Email me at

Always Be Prepared To Walk Away From The Negotiations Table

In business, it’s usually not a great thing to ‘leave money on the table.’

Bundle of Used Dollar Bills

This may be the best route to keep your business going as a way to allow all sides to save face.

This is good in business practice and in the general ‘business’ of walking through life.

Sometimes you see early within your negotiations that there is a skewed view of the value of a deal or relationship. One side may not see the value of the other on the same level, and it could lead to problems if you do shake hands and agree to move forward.

You have the right to walk away from any deal or any person who does not value you. 

Always know you worth.

Do you know your worth? Have you walked away from a possible monster deal because you thought the other side undervalued you? Email me at, and we can discuss.

Going To War With My Podcast Hosting Service. Maybe.

My current podcast hosting service had been a customer service nightmare from the beginning of our relationship.

This stems mostly from it being a European based company that does a lot of business with the US.

That translates to pretty good service (meets most of my needs) but terrible customer service (no phone support, prolonged email support, very few answers when emails do come in).

I am at the point where I would love to drop them, but the pain of reorganizing a dozen podcasts (yes, some are dead, but I’d like them to be still found) at a new place is not something I want to get into at this moment.

I am having similar hate with my home internet networks. Because of a slew of unfortunate events, various devices decide whether they want to be connected to the network living off the phone company provided router. So, I bought one of those easy setup plugin home networking systems, only to find I must physically erase the old network out of each device and reinstall to the new network. Also, not a chore I am chomping at the bit to get on.

This is more of a gripe session that a lesson to learn, but do you have some daunting tasks that you know you have to work on to fix some nagging problem that you just don’t want the hassle? Could you email me at to discuss?

Network Marketing Works . . . Between Network Marketers

A common saying around network marketing is the fact that network marketing works.

And this is true. Networker marketers are great at getting sales . . . to other network marketers or people who are desperate and attempting to trying their hand at network marketing.

The bulk of the people who get pitched via typical network marketing tactics do not buy, just like regular sales.

Some buy out of curiosity but find it’s not for them. Some like the product and put up with the promotion just to get it. Some like the person and put up with the promotion (and the product) despite it all.

There are fewer advocates for the network marketing system and the product than you are led to believe.

Heroes Or Zeroes, Waiting For Your Call

A firefighter’s job is to be ready to assist if a call comes in on a fire or medical emergency.

A help desk operator’s job is to be ready to assist if a call comes in on a problem.

The fire marshal does not complain about his firefighters and their lack of production when there are no calls coming in for fires to fight from homeowners.

And the call center supervisor is probably complaining about his help desk operators and their lack of production when there are no calls from the customers with issues they think need solving.

Are you an employer? A supervisor? A coach? A mentor? Do you think of the people you lead as firefighters, always on the ready and earned respect? Do you think of the people you lead as help desk operators, disposable and barely worth the ultra-low salary they agreed to take for the job?

Let’s discuss. Email me at