Do You Recognize Greatness In Others As They Push You To Greatness?

Chadwick Boseman is back in our consciousness.

Boseman would have had a birthday this past weekend, and a network airing of the movie Black Panther cut a special open to celebrate the day.

But I want to talk about what actor/comedian Lamorne Morris said about the solemn words he spoke that helped him become a better actor.

manuscript, paper

You should take the two minutes to watch the clip on YouTube, but the basic story goes like this:

-Morris was auditioning for a role that Boseman was helping him run lines for
-Morris was joking around, trying to crack his friend up
-Boseman was having none of that, reminding Morris other guys were working ten times harder than he was at that moment to try to land that same spot
-Morris got serious with his work, didn’t get that part, but thinks about the wisdom every time he gets a new script to read.

My question for you today is: do you recognize greatness in people in real-time?

Morris went on to say just how hardworking and dedicated to the craft of acting his friend was and that he hoped that there was something that he did that benefited the work and legacy of Chadwick Boseman. He doubted it, but he did have hope for it.

Are there people around you that make life that much better? Make a workflow move that much smoother? Refuse to let you slack off a project or phone in effort on your dream because they know you regret it later?

Do you know someone like that? Do you want to make the bold claim you are someone like that? Email me at

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