Let Your Envy Be Your Guide

Envy is often seen as a negative emotion, but it can also be a powerful tool for personal growth. When we feel envy towards someone else, it can indicate that there is something about that person or their situation that we desire for ourselves.

Rather than suppressing these feelings or feeling guilty about them, we should allow ourselves to explore them. By examining what it is that we truly want, we can set clear goals for ourselves and work towards achieving them.

Let your envy be your guide and use it to motivate you to become the best version of yourself. Remember, the person you are envious of probably has their own set of struggles and insecurities, so stay focused on your own path and progress.

How Are You Being Introduced?

When someone introduces us to a new person, it can reveal a lot about how that person perceives us.

If they introduce us enthusiastically and highlight our positive attributes, it may indicate that they hold us in high regard.

Conversely, if they introduce us hesitantly or fail to mention our strengths, they may not see us in a particularly positive light.

This works both ways, as the way we introduce others to others reflects how we see them.

We should always be mindful of how we introduce others, as it can impact how others perceive them.

Additionally, it is also essential to take note of how others introduce us, as it can give insight into how they see us.

How You Start Matters To How You Can Finish (TPPM 166)

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There is a coloration for those who have found their way to a ‘finish’ how they started. Some had advantages, some did not. All did start, and all did manage to work their way from the start through the obstacles they had to face regardless of the possible disadvantages they began with.

Your Voice is Important, Even If ‘No One’ Hears It (TPPM 089)

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=17300560″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true” ]

I have had more moments of speaking to crickets than I personally enjoy. I have learned to enjoy the process and the ‘practice’ I get from speaking my truth even to an empty room.

Barriers To Entries Are Set Ups To Stories Needing To Be Told (TPPM 088)

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That obstacle in your path is a serious issue you must contend with to move forward. It is also the starting point to an epic story of triumph or failure that you must live to tell others.